how to fix phpMyAdmin session error

phpMyAdmin is great free web based PHP software to manage databases, tables, fields, users… and more. phpMyAdmin support MySQL, MariaDB, and Drizzle with the ability to execute SQL statements.

Unfortunately sometimes I get problem with phpMyAdmin, here is the error from phpMyAdmin on my centos Linux Server

phpMyAdmin – Error

To test and find out where is path

run this script on your web server

Here is the output i have

If the folder doesn’t exist, create one.


You may have to change ownership of the directly



Or just need to change the permissions to readable and writable for the directory



Note: /var/lib/php/session ownership and permissions well reverse back to root and not writable after a reboot. It’s a good idea to run chmod and chown @reboot so you don’t have to do it manually.

add this to your crontab

with the content (replace user:group to user/group which running apache/nginx web server)